WHY HELLO THERE AMIGOS! I've had a fewwww wild days roaming around Cotopaxi... which may or may not be due for a massive volcanic eruption in the near future.. u know me.. ALWAYS LIVING LIFE ON THE EDGEEeEe
Read MoreMy Anaconda Don't Want Noneeeee
Hola peeps... I've returned to south america once again! after spending six glorious weeks in Colombia at the start of my trip... i knew i had to come back to the continent and do a bit more exploring. Despite my love for Europe and my personal connections in Asia... i've always had a deep infatuation with south america. Maybe it's because I spent my life growing up with Latinos (my nickname growing up was chinita applebum as a tribute to A Tribe Called Quest and my butttt), but I've always felt both at ease and yet completely compelled by the various cultures that make up Latin america... they're all unique in their own ways but also all extremely lively, joyous, open, and spirited.. quite different than a lot of the more stoic Asian cultures... plus u also have a ton of untouched, natural beauty on the continent that u just can't find anywhere else... In short, I'm happy to be back!!
Read MoreThe Otherside of 25!
HELLOOOO alll.. I write to you as an older (!!!!!) & wiser (not really) person.. I just celebrated my 26th birthday & like wiiine.. my life only seems to get better with age. as each year passes, I gain experiences, broaden my perspective, deepen my understanding of the world around me, and develop more meaningful relationships... BLABLABLA [insert sappy quote here!] 25 has definitely been one for the books & I'm eagerly anticipating all the things that are still yet to come!
Read MorePrettyyy, Pretty Porto
BOM DIA peepps. I finally made it to Portugal, the last stop on this part of my trip. After the absolutely wonderful, but insanely busy time in the Middle East, I’ve been looking forward to relaxing for bit (and also not paying 50 million dollars for a drink).. which makes Porto the perfect first stop :)
Read MoreWonder(s) of the World
i'm back in TLV (just can't quit it!) for the last few days of my stay in this part of the world.. i'm staying with a beautiful half Japanese, half Israeli American chica, May, whose a friend of a friend from back home (HI HILARY!!!) She's been living in TLV for a little over 2 years after spending a semester in BeerSheeba & decided to come back after she finished school.. It's been a fun few days bumming on the beach, drinking wine, eating vegan and laughing at European men trying to hit on us (mostly her!) we had dinner with a group of her friends who also studied abroad with her and have since immigrated to Israel aka doing aliyah.. UM HOW DO I SIGN UP??! coincidentally, her friends and i had mutual friends from back home (small world.. right?!) LOOK HOW HAPPY (and tan) I LOOK!!
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