Getting Old(er)

UGH so I'm a terrible human being. I've slacked on the blogging aspect of this website, which was the original intent of this mini project. So here I am, trying to figure out what to write about that doesn't make me sound like a pretentious douchebag, but also doesn't make me sound too frivolous. AHHh, the qualms of being a millenial.

ANYWHOSE, i guess i can talk about summer which was excelente. Did a lot of domestic traveling on the West Coast including a drive on the PCH from San Diego allll the way up to Seattle. And when I say driving, I mean I was taking up space in the car cus I can't drive. I've always thought about moving to the West Coast, but the more I think about it, the more I realize i am, at my core, a very east coast person. It's not that i wouldn't enjoy a "slower pace of life" and whatever they say about the West coast, but I think it's the feeling of familiarity that stops me from moving there. I mean, if I'm going to leave the greatest city in the world,  I need to at least live somewhere where I'm challenged & constantly stimulated.. like I gotta at least use my brain to convert currency.... it's all about learning something new y'all.

Anywhose, I feel like I'm sort of at a juncture where I'm thinking what's next up in my life. I've just turned 25, which was at first, extremelyyyy disconcerting because I no longer am in my early 20s (no more checking off the 18-24 box UGHHH!!) At my birthday gathering however, I felt this overwhelming sense of happiness being surrounded by some wonderfully awesome friends I've made from these various stages of my life.I just thought about how lucky I am to have met such wonderful, great people & all our shared experiences.  Like high school, college, first job, current job, and just post-grad livingggg in NYC...  And it just made me excited about HAVING MANY MORE YEARS TO LIVE (hopefully) because they'll also be filled with wonderful, magical moments which will have me nostalgic about my youth. but seriously.. there's so much more living to do and it's exciting to see what's up ahead for me :)

OKAY i feel like a cheeseball so I'm going to stop. PEACE y'all